Thursday, June 10, 2010

My First Blog

Just as there is a first for everything, today is my first blog entry. At 63 and going on 64 I sometimes wonder if I have lived out all of my "firsts", but clearly that is just the little monkey chattering in my brain and I have so many firsts to live it is not worth even counting. Today, while walking my 80 lb labradoodle, Barney, we came across a snake carcass in the road. I had seen it the other day for the first time and thought it had been snatched up by eager crows or foxes, but still it was there on this morning's walk. I'm not sure how that figures into my ramblings about firsts, but maybe it was the first time I can remember seeing the remains of a fairly sizeable snake in my suburban Long Island neighborhood. Now I am writing my first blog entry, and I have to say it's a bit disconcerting. I usually write in my private journal, albeit not always green. But also having a penchant for acting, and now, being an artist, I must have some inner need to continue to expose myself and share my journey with others. There have been moments when I've shared deeply personal things and was surprised by the response. "Thank you for sharing that", "I've felt that way", "I thought I was the only one", and lastly, "that showed courage". People were encouraged and felt safe. Perhaps that's just my way of drawing people into a safe harbor, making myself vulnerable and giving others an opportunity to expose their own fears, doubts, musings, etc. I'm on my way to teach a writer's workshop at a local senior center. I have to get myself prepared by typing up some work that my students wrote. I haven't done it yet and I'm writing my first blog entry instead, so once again I've waited till the last minute. That's procrastination. I'll be darting out of the house soon, orange briefcase filled with books, looking like I know what I'm doing. I have to shower first and type up those writing pieces. After all, I did offer to do it. Ok, I think I'll close now , but first I have to prepare for my workshop. Time is passing quickly. Today I will stop to buy some flowers and place them in vases. Oh, the sun is coming out. Hope your day is truly what you want it to be.


  1. We are never too old for firsts...I'm so happy you started your blog. It inspires me to start mine. Rosie

  2. It has been something I've thought of for awhile and resisted since I was concerned it would be one more distraction and yet, it feels totally right. Thanks, Rosie, for giving me new impetus for getting it going. Yippee to all of us.

  3. I'm so happy that more lovely women are entering the world of blogging! I'll be checking in, Ginger! And, mom - we have to start yours!
